How to tell people to talk to the hand

by Leo Wiles
22 November 2013

Whether it’s the pushy flirt under the mistletoe or a client asking you do an underpaid job, learning how to say no is one of life’s great skills. It sets boundaries, stops you feeling resentful and gives you a win on what psychologist Sharon Bent describes as the ‘yes versus stress’ ratio.

Even so, saying no is hard – especially when it comes to work. Sometimes it’s near impossible. So I’ve put together a list of ways to tell people to talk to the hand. Hope some of them help you out.

  1. I’d love to but unfortunately I’m already booked up.
  2. If only I could!
  3. I’m not taking on anything else right now.
  4. No thank you, but it sounds lovely.
  5. God no.
  6. I don’t want to hold you up so feel free to ask someone else.
  7. Are you on crack?
  8. I’ve decided not to take on any more work this year/right now because I am already feeling over-committed.
  9. Sadly I’m out of town at that time.
  10. My schedule is really full right now, can I call you next week?
  11. Let me check my diary and I’ll get back to you.
  12. Actually I have a policy never to write positively about nuclear power, fracking, whale hunting, slavery [insert your no-go zone here].
  13. Apologies, but I can’t make it.
  14. Boy, I wish there were two of me so I could say yes.
  15. I’m currently working on X, Y and Z. How would you like me to prioritise this new project?
  16. What a shame; I’m already booked up.
  17. I’d rather stick needles in my eye. Hello? Are you still there?
  18. Sorry, no chance I’m afraid.
  19. Let me make a phone call to check something first.
  20. Sounds great, but I’m already committed at that time.
  21. It doesn’t sound like the right fit for me, but can I recommend X?
  22. Thanks so much for thinking of me, but I don’t feel I would do it justice.
  23. If I put one more thing on my plate I’ll end up in the funny farm.
  24. Let me think about it first and I’ll get back to you.
  25. You’re so funny. Oh, you’re not joking?
  26. Sounds tempting, but I’m going to have to pass.
  27. I have something else on. Sorry.
  28. Sadly I think that might be a conflict of interest, as I’m already writing a piece like that for another title.
  29. I know this is important to you, but I just don’t have the time.
  30. I’d rather be a live piñata at Schoolies Week than take your job.
  31. Thanks for thinking of me but I can’t make it.
  32. Unfortunately I already have an article that needs to be finished by tomorrow.
  33. Got to flex my NO muscle on that one.
  34. I’m slammed with other stuff, sorry.
  35. I’m all booked until [insert date here]. I can put this on my list for then if you like.
  36. This is a really hectic time for me right now and I cannot take on any more work.
  37. I’m really strapped for time right now and would hate to rush a job like yours.
  38. I already have plans unfortunately.
  39. I can’t do X, but I’d be happy to contribute Y.
  40. I’m sorry, I’m not available then.
  41. Sadly my broadband connection is out at the moment so I won’t be able to make it work – [sad but true in my case!].

How do you say ‘No’ when someone wants you to do something you don’t want to do?

Leo Wiles

2 responses on "How to tell people to talk to the hand"

  1. Kate says:


  2. I just keep saying “No” after the 5th time they usually get the idea…

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