Leo Wiles
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “What are the best ways to negotiate on salary?”
Is penny-pinching costing you money?
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “How do you combat low salaried roles being posted?”
Five reasons why freelancers need a contract
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “How do I get into memoir writing?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Any tips on affording a family break?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “How many journos out there still rely on shorthand or conduct interviews without a recording device?”
Do not disturb: solutions for warding off unwanted visitors when you’re working
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Should I have a strategy for answering comments on my social channels and blog?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Just what CAN freelancers claim at tax-time?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Can I work during my paid parental leave?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “I’m terrible at dealing with feedback. Any advice?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “I delivered, they’re dragging their feet. Should I send the invoice anyway?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “What comes first – the source or the story pitch?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “I have a day job, am freelancing on the side and need advice”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Is there an expiry date on unpaid client revisions?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “How to write humour when my brain is literally fried?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Am I crazy to ignore FB messenger?”
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