Search for "so you think you can"
7 tips for crafting good client emails
Freelancer Q&A… Meet Rebekah Lambert
Freelancer Q&A: Meet Simon Jones!
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “My story was killed. How do I handle the case studies?”
Getting into journalism (the back door way)
The number one tactic to keep clients happy
Do job-seekers have to jump through hoops these days?
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Should I say no to a job that requires ripping off other sites?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “I want to swap freelancing for an in-house role but no one will hire me”
9 pre-interview tips for job-seekers
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “My articles still haven’t been published – help!”
Looking for a mentor? Here’s how to find one
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Work for a nasty editor again: yes/no?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “What should I charge to write a white paper?”
Writing retreat on a train? Yes please
Is the bums-on-seats mentality slowly changing?
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Most efficient way to write a feature?”
11 things really annoying people do in libraries
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