Search for "so you think you can"
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “My client thinks he owns me 24/7!”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “How can I get feedback from clients?”
How to embrace your inner capitalist in 2016
Farewell to a (feline) business associate
Best resolutions for freelancers
ASK US WED: “Do employers look favourably on a freelancing stint if you apply for full-time?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Can I move my freelance business overseas and still be a success?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Thinking about leaving an in-house role to freelance, but am I nuts? What are the positives?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Should I recommend my friend for a gig I can’t do?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “I’m wondering about the costs to pass onto the client as expenses – can you help?”
Finding your freelance tribe (or creating one)
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “Logo or photo on social media?”
Good reasons to go to networking events (finding instant work ISN’T one of them).
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “I need a glossary of publishing terms. Can you help?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “How can I freelance when I have a full time gig?”
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “When will my story be published and how soon can I send my invoice?”
How to make editors love you
ASK US WEDNESDAY: “How can I break into property writing?”
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