Stoov’s Big Hug – my thoughts (and how to win one)

by Rachel Smith
21 August 2024

My home office is chilly at the best of times. It’s by the back door, and when my husband works from home he loves cracking the door open ‘for a bit of fresh air’ (uh, thanks). The rising cost of living has sent our heating bill through the roof in recent years, but an old terrace is hard to heat all over, so I’ve gotten used to dressing like I’m about to trek to Base Camp.

But this winter things have been a little different. In fact, I’ve been toasty warm in my office, thanks to Stoov’s Big Hug.

Stoov Big Hug grey option

I’m often reviewing cool stuff for home offices but this has to be one of the most random AND brilliant products to cross my desk.

What is the Big Hug?

It’s part of a group of re-chargable, cordless-heating products by Dutch company Stoov. Innovator and owner Teun van Leijsen came up with the idea of Stoov’s products during a chilly winter – with the aim of creating a sustainable, beautiful, portable heat source that was also good for the planet.

Stoov’s products are powered by smart infrared heating technology and include heated cushions, a hot no-water bottle AND the Big Hug: a cordless chair warmer available in different colours and fabrics. It’s the only product I’ve road-tested from the company so far. Big Hugs start at $204 and you can choose from the Big Hug XL (45 x 135cm) or the standard Big Hug (40 x 110cm). The standard battery gives you 1-3 hours of heat; a larger battery gives you 3-6 hours and costs an extra $40.

Stoov Big Hug woolly version
Stoov’s Big Hug in ‘woolly’

Setting up the Big Hug

It arrives in a roll with a starter guide so it’s easy to set up. Simply unroll it, follow the instructions to unzip the back of the Big Hug and connect the battery pack to the heating element (which takes all of two minutes). Then, zip it back up and drape it over your chair – my Big Hug fits perfectly over my ErgoTune chair.

The beauty of your Big Hug is once it’s charged, you can roll it up and take it anywhere. To the dining table so you can stay warm through dinner (although the rest of the family may give you dirty looks); the couch while watching a movie. You could even take it in the car on a cold morning or sit outside on a deckchair with your Big Hug and a cuppa. It’s also easy to take the cover off to wash it if you need to.

How does Stoov’s Big Hug work?

To start using your Big Hug look for the bright orange heating panel on the right hand side of the heating pad (frankly, it’s hard to miss). This is where you plug in to recharge the battery, turn it on with a small switch located underneath the panel, and set one of three levels of heat. One press automatically starts heating up to the hottest setting. Press it again and it goes down a setting, then down again until it switches off.

The Big Hug provides decent heating for 2-5 hours before needing a charge, so you could use it on and off over a few days before needing to re-charge it. It also has overheating protection and switches itself off which is handy if you forget to do it.

I have found it better if your office chair is right near a power socket as you do have to recharge pretty regularly.

How hot does it get?

It has three heat settings so you can choose your desired warmth – and I start with the hottest to warm up my chair, but I don’t stay on this setting for very long (there’s a limit to how much bottom warmth one can handle). The mid-level temperature is comfortable and usually my chosen setting for a nice session of cosy writing.

The Big Hug and all Stoov’s products use infrared heating technology (more on the tech here) and you can choose from temperatures ranging from 28 degrees to up to 42 degrees.

Heating level of Stoov's Big Hug

It’s not like setting next to a heater or fire, but because your body is in direct contact with the heating element, less heat escapes into the air and your body slowly becomes warmer. It’s a gradual warmth that’s definitely let me ditch the big bulky jumpers and feel much more comfortable in my home office for extended periods of work. I’m a bit addicted to my nice warm chair now and think twice if I ever want to work elsewhere!

Want to win a Big Hug?

Thanks to Stoov, you can get one of these for yourself! Simply comment below about why you need one / want one and you’ll go into the draw to win a Big Hug XL worth $239. I’m drawing the winner on Friday, Aug 30. Good luck!

Rachel Smith

20 responses on "Stoov’s Big Hug – my thoughts (and how to win one)"

  1. Angela Denly says:

    While I remain grateful for a safe home, 1960s Sydney housing stock is not renowned for excellent insulation. My office days are spent frequently running to reheat wheat packs in the microwave, accidentally rolling over the blankie I spread over my lap, or in dire moments, leaving my puffer jacket on all through the day. A Stoov Big Hug sounds like the answer to the question I didn’t even know to ask! Fingers crossed for a win (and if not, maybe an essential office purchase before next winter!)

  2. Janina says:

    Omg this product looks like a LIFE CHANGER. I live in an apartment and the level above us has a huge terrace covering the roof of our floor so temperature control is suuuper tricky. Too cold in winter, too hot in summer. Last winter we spent something absurd like $700 on electricity for the quarter so this winter I’ve just been freezing my butt off and being miserable.

  3. Lexi says:

    My office is honestly the coldest room in our house. And I can’t stand it. My bones ache because it’s so cold. I can’t concentrate, I get in a bad mood. It’s bad for everyone. I wear layers and layers of clothing to try and keep warm – and in doing so, can barely move my arms for the layers of wool and thermals and whatever else I can throw on. The Stoov Big Hug would quite literally change my life – I’d not only be warm, but happy again. That’s a win for me, my family and all mankind. (Not an overstatement).

  4. Julie Lee says:

    There’s a moment in every day when I finally ease my creaking bones out of my office chair, wander downstairs, open the front door and realise … it’s actually a magnificent day outside. The chill factor is, in fact, not ‘Arctic’. That’s just the temperature inside my home. A love the thought of a rechargeable seat warmer that isn’t attached to a cord that I get tripped up in. I’ve read about how it works, but hardly believe it!

  5. Steve Colquhoun says:

    I’m in Geelong so … I win, right? ‘Nuff said? As I read your review I’m literally sitting on my hands to try to keep them warm. I have my feet in a heated bootie (yes, I’m admitting it) and my nose still feels like it’s ready to turn blue and fall off. I may be a decent writer and a sharp sub (if I do say so m’self) but I’m a lousy blood circulator, it seems, and desperately in need of a Big Hug, Stoov-style! So how about it?

  6. We bought our first home last year – a beautiful Edwardian cottage, hurrah! Even better, it came with ducted heating, amazing! Except…the ducted heating doesn’t work (cue cry face). And, thanks to a few unexpected repairs we’ve needed to do, fixing the heating has been low on our list. Let’s just say it’s been a winter of big jumpers, multiple layers, and Kmart portable heaters. Having a Stoov Big Hug in my artic office would put a smile on my frostbitten face and a spring in my chillblain-ridden step. I have everything crossed I get to experience its nurturing, soothing embrace soon.

  7. Oooh this would be perfect for my very cold house! I have rheumatoid arthritis which means sitting for long periods can cause pain but heat can help and this would be the be the perfect way to help with that! Using my dog as my heat source isn’t the most productive since he can be distracting

  8. Ivy Carruth says:

    Ooooh! I need a Stoov for my chilly buns as I toil at my desk in the chilly back bedroom. It’s so cold back there and this is just the ticket! I’d flip my middle finger at the draft coming in from the weasley cracks in the slider as I snuggle my bun warming Stoov.

  9. john o'keefe says:

    I feel teribly inadequate.
    My dog has a bed warmer.
    My wife has a seat warmer in her car.
    What have I ?
    Nothing but a cold butt when I sit down to write my next best seller.
    Why didn’t someone tell me about Stoove ?
    OK, I’m now a big know – all and how’s that for timing it’s Father’s Day on Sunday week.
    Equality in the O’Keefe household, thanks to Stoove.

  10. Roses are red,
    Winters are pooh,
    I need a Stoov’s Big Hug,
    So I’m not cold and blue!

  11. I live at the arse end of the world – far southern lutruwita / Tasmania … next stop Antarctica … for real!!! My glutes are a glacier. I can only imagine the power of Stoov’s Big Hug thawing my snap-frozen synapses and hypothermic derrière. It’s never a two-dog night down here; it’s the whole effing menagerie and a rogue pademelon …

  12. Eliza Lanson says:

    I love my house, but it’s a cold old sod.

    Much to my kid’s dismay, who seems completely happy in shorts and a T-shirt for 90% of the year, I’m always cold. Chilblains on my fingers every winter for over a decade.

    I wear 2 or 3 jumpers over multiple layers and live in Ugg boots. And gloves. It’s not enough. When sitting at my desk, my fingers shut down. Even with the heater cranked. Hot tea doesn’t help. This is dire.

    Please send me a Big Hug and save my poor little digits from another winter of swelling, bruises and blistering. I promise to keep it all to myself (and away from my cats). Thanks, Stoov & Rachel’s List.

  13. Em says:

    How am I only learning of this magic now?!
    I assume it will treat procrastination and instantly improve productivity??

  14. I’ve just put on my big business girl pants and am freelancing full time – while working from home. And while I love our house, this 1940s rental has lots of erm, quirks (read: cracks) and my office gets CHILLY. Stoov’s BH would be a welcome colleague.

  15. Maida Pineda says:

    I promised I won’t whinge about Melbourne’s weather anymore. But as someone from the tropics, winter is a struggle. The culprit is poor insulation in my Melbourne apartment. I do have the best view but with all glass in one wall, it’s a freezing condensation fish bowl apartment dor me all winter long. I dread next winter. Send help !

  16. OMG I was stalling getting out of my car with its heated seat the other day and was saying to my hubby, why doesn’t someone invent this for my office chair? AND THEY HAVE! Get under my bum Big Hug!

  17. JB says:

    I was going to have a whinge about my office being the only room in our house sans heating, but then I read Sarah Coleman’s comment above and thought, oh man, she wins 😀

  18. Nicky Way says:

    I love sitting down on my chair to fire uo my screen but My 50 year old bones are not so keen. They protest with vigour from my Sore neck to my bung shoulder down to my stiff back and a glasses script thats always changing, how excited would my half century old body be to get a present like this heated seat! And in summer i feel my body would add the perfect accompaniment of air conditioning so the bod could use it all year round. Just imagine the creative words that will flow! X

  19. Laura Dare says:

    I write mostly from home and I live with a British Shorthair cat. She proudly lives up to her heritage and doesn’t feel the cold (or rain, or wind, or even hail!), so wants to go out into the garden at half-hourly intervals starting from dawn (or even before). Then she wants to come in again, five minutes later. It makes the house an absolute icebox to have to keep opening the doors and even my Oodie and Uggs aren’t cutting it.
    PS: For anyone worried about the local birds, my cat is very slow, mostly blind and can’t jump my fence.

  20. In the Adelaide Hills my office is regularly under 10 degrees in winter. That’s no way to live – and I want to ditch those fingerless gloves and the expensive bar heater!

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