For error-free words, polished to perfection
Professional editing and proofreading is an essential part of the puzzle if you’re in the business of publishing words. Our editors and proofreaders have magazine experience, may work in book publishing, in content agencies or solely work as freelancers for online publications. There are also lots of freelance editors out there with a varied range of roles including commission editors, managing editors, manuscript editors, white-paper proofreaders, editorial assistants and sub-editors.
The type of freelancer you need may depend on where in the writing process you are - but you can be assured when you hire an editing and proofreading expert, you’ll boost the professionalism of the entire project.
Here’s just a sample of the types of editors & proofreaders you can hire through us:
- Book editors, who edit/refine on manuscripts
- Managing editors, who oversee the content process
- Commissioning editors, who plan stories and hire writers
- Sub-editors, who fact-check and copy-fit layouts
- Proof-readers, who do final checks on documents
- Editorial assistants, who work in print at a junior level
- Editors and proof-readers for online articles
- Writing-editors who offer both skill sets
- Freelancers who specialise in proofreading and editing services